
Blogging in Lisp


MacOS High Sierra

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 27 Sep 2017 15:00:55 GMT

Early in the morning of September 27, 2017, I installed MacOS High Sierra (10.13), on my 27" 2017 iMac. Just worked, almost entirely.

MacOS High Sierra About Box

Doesn't work:

Gutenprint printer drivers - didn't even remember I had this

Does work:

Emacs, 25.1.1 and 25.3.1
Brave, 0.18.36
Mailplane, 3.7.0 (3238)
XQuartz, 2.7.11 (xorg-server 1.18.4)
  Gnumeric, 1.10.17 (don't remember where I got this, possibly Homebrew).
EasyCrop, 2.6.1
Slack, 2.8.0 (App Store)
Elm, 0.18.0
Clozure Common Lisp (CCL), 1.11-r16789M (DarwinX8664)
Nimbus (IRCCloud wrapper), 0.7.5 (13)
Skype, 7.54 (409)
MenuMeters, El Capitan Port 1.9
GPGTools, 2.0 (Build: 887)
SoundSource, 3.0.2
Gimp, 2.8.14
Audio Hijack, 3.3.5
Node.js, v6.11.0 (for elm-repl, elm-test, and my Archmage server)

Apple Apps:

XCode, 9.0 (9A235), and its Simulator

My biggest problem was getting my Time Machine backup, stalled on "Preparing Backup...", to complete, before the upgrade. I deleted the "... Cache ..." files from ~/Library/Calendars/, rebooted, and ran First Aid on my boot and backup disks (both were fine). The backup eventually completed, but I'm not sure what I did to make it so.

I did the installation early in the morning, while I went back to sleep. Around 10:15am, a dialog popped up, which took me to, for a pictorial introduction.

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