On Saturday, 25 April 2020, I replaced the front panel assembly on a friend's iPhone SE. I bought the iPhone SE Screen with Fix Kit from iFixit for $50. It was getting stripes across the top of the screen and flaky touch sensitivity, possibly due only to a loose cable connection inside, but I replaced the whole screen to be sure. I followed this replacement guide.
It took me pretty close to 2 hours, not the advertised 30 minutes to an hour. Slowpoke me, but the repaired phone works.
If I do this again, I'll get an iSclack. I had a hard time getting the case to separate with just the suction cup, and then it came away all of a sudden, pulling the home button cable off and sending it's little snap bracket flying. Found it with a flashlight.
The drop that caused the problem may also have loosened the rear camera connector, as the rear camera came out when I was pulling the other top-of-the-phone connectors.
Click on either photo below for the full resolution version, opened in a new browser tab.
Fully disassembled. New part on top.
I was glad for my little fishing box, giving me 8 compartments to segregate screws (obscured by the lures below them on the other side of the case).